Wednesday, January 25, 2012

OH! CNY snacks.. nomnom

Hate CNY, I never made it on the list of zodiacs.
but too bad, I still have luck with those pineapple tarts and cookies.
While some of you.... have to watch those calories~ muahaha

Meow's BACK

Fat people have it tough. If you're fat, people think you're unmotivated and lazy. Worse, if you're fat and you got a hot girlfriend, people automatically say you must be some rich fat f**k. Absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're suave, charming and your chick is a bimbo.

So this New York Times article confirms it all <> – it's tough to lose weight, but it's even tougher to keep the pounds from coming back. Apparently, your body's metabolism completely goes haywire when it thinks you're starving. They did a bunch of experiments and isolated a potential culprit, the FTO gene, or “fat mass and obesity-associated” gene.

The conclusion: fat runs in the family.

I'm glad I was born without the fatso genes, so I can wear skinny jeans. I am a lean mean rat killing machine with washboard abs. But for all you losers who wonder how I got my figure, it ain't all fun and games. I have an exercise regime. I call it the Arnold Schwarzenegger six pack demolition. Here's how you get to look like me.

What can I say? I'm blessed. Meow.

Check out my abs at OH! Open House 2012, this coming 18 ,19, 25 & 26 Feb!